Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Love... Jesus I Love You

Love...Jesus, I Love You

            Love… this word is so common today. Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Do we really do that? How many empty “I love You’s” do we offer up to God? So many. Just stop for a brief moment and think about your relationship with God. Where is it? Is it strong? Does your relationship with God fuel the flame in your heart to keep pressing on towards the mark of the high calling of God on your life? God is looking for someone loyal to him. He’s looking for that heart that says “Yes, I choose you Lord” God is not looking to force you to love Him but He is looking for those who voluntarily choose to love Him. Those who will consecrate, separate and dedicate their lives completely to Him, most of all saving their heart for God only. He wants us to experience His love, a pure and undefiled love. A love that doesn’t use us for selfish gain, a love that isn’t conditional, a love that is not earned. But a love that is complete satisfaction, that fills every void we feel. His love is a love that never runs out. It’s a feeling of completion. God desire us. He wants us, He continually searches for those who have abandoned the world to pursue Him.
We must learn to receive the love of the Father. But before we receive His love we must clear out every dark area in our hearts. Letting go of everything our hearts are attached to. Unclean relationships, unclean thoughts, addictions, and so much more. We can’t go forward in life hanging on to both worlds, loving God and the world. But we can only receive His love with a pure heart. As we receive His love in faith, He will flood our hearts with light, and we will be awakened to the God of Love. Our confidence in who we are as a son and a daughter of God will cause us to have faith that moves every obstacle, every doubt in our minds and hearts that satan has planted. Every lie will be uprooted. Our desire and longing should be for nothing to hinder our love for God, because there’s nothing that can hinder or separate us from the Love of God. We need to yearn for Him in every aspect, look to Him in every decision in live and love Him with all our heart. Jesus being our everything, and nothing can change our love for Him.
I personally experienced love. Not necessarily the way I am use to seeing love, but I know without a doubt it was the love of God, the Love of a Father. I went through a very hard time in my life a couple of years ago and it got to a point where I had to take a break from ministry. I use to think love was the same as provision. I grew up never lacking anything. So God couldn’t show me His love through what I was already use to, which was provision. Instead He showed me His love through taking everything away, including what was most dear and precious to me, my ministry. In that season of my life it was tough to not be used for anything, to take a break and not do what I am strong and great at which is music ministry. But in that season I saw how much God loved me that he would take everything away until it was just Him left. He was the only one I could turn to. He was the only one I could find hope in, the only who held my future, and I had no choice but to turn to Him.
During this season is where this song “Jesus, I Love You” came about. When I sat on my bedroom floor reflecting on my life. I began to play the piano, just attempting to worship God, even though I felt nothing. But I began to worship anyway and play and I just thought about how God chastens those He loves. How correction is not out of hate, it’s out of love. I thought about how God allowed everything to fall around me so that I could just turn to him finally. I immediately just kept telling Jesus, I love Him.
Rather than asking “Why me” “Why this way” I just told Him I love Him. And how I wanted my relationship with Him to trump everything I think and do in life. That is how we all need to live. If you love God, then show it through the way you live, not by just the words you say. Love is a decision, decide to completely consecrate your heart for God. Stop giving your love away and your heart away to things that waste away, to things that suck the life out of you, and definitely from things that cause you to not trust anymore. Leave unclean friendship or relationships alone, stop wrapping your soul around social media and its drama. Save your heart for the one who will never break it, bruise it and abuse it. Jesus Christ, our King! The King of hearts, the same Jesus that healed thousands, died on the cross, rose again and now sits at the right hand of God, is the same Jesus, that will touch your heart with his pinky and make it whole again.

Choose to love Jesus! In your spirit there is a longing that you cannot deny. There’s something inside that just doesn’t quite feel complete. Yes you are a Christian, but sometimes you get that feeling of loneliness, let Jesus touch your heart and heal that. Express your love to Jesus. 

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