Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Spirit of God

             I love the feeling that comes when the Spirit of God fill a room. It's one thing for the presence of God to visit, but it’s another thing for the presence of God to dwell somewhere. Without the presence of God we are like fish out of water. We were created in His presence. It's our very nature to be in the presence of God. So many churches act like it's so hard to get God to show up, and it’s not. He is simply looking for a people whose heart is for Him. He is not looking for the biggest church, or the best sermon. The bible says he searches the heart of man. What's in that heart? Does it look like His? Or inside do you still agree with some of the things that are not of God that we tend to think are harmless. 

               The bible talks about how in God's presence is the fullness of joy! How where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, liberty! In God's presence, there is healing and deliverance! There's hope and faith arises! In His presence hearts are healed again. God’s presence is made known in every living thing. Whether people want to believe God is real doesn’t even matter, because His proof is all around, its even in the very person who is doubting.

               No man on this planet in history all the way until today can prove that God DOESN’T exist. We really think that our peanut brains can comprehend the vastness of God. Don’t get me wrong God has made some people genius’s but, even the smarted man on earth, Steven Hawkins, thinks there is no God. If you ask me that’s not a smart thing to believe.

               The bible says in Psalms 14:1- The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Hey, that’s God’s words not mine lol don’t get mad at me I’m just the messenger.

               I 100% don’t believe that Atheists exist on this planet… I didn’t make a mistake in what I said. You may be thinking “Sierra, there are Atheists everywhere saying that there is no God” Let that “Atheist” be near death, let that plane begin to plummet to the ground with him in it, let him be at gun point and in danger, let a loved one’s life be in the balance, He will call on God, that “Atheist” will pray. Why??? Because in EVERY human heart there is a knowing, that something is out there, God.

              Everyone is searching, every religion is born out of someone’s opinion of God. Everyone’s looking, who is this God, where is He?

              A lot of people blame God, the very same people who say there is no God, blame the God that they don’t believe in, which is God, for everything wrong that happens in the world…yet….they… don’t believe in God… but they are mad at Him? OK…LOL I’M CONFUSED.

              People know there is a God, they just don’t like Him and His ways. They tend to tell Him what He ought to be doing. Everyone knows there’s “something” out there, however few actually seek and find Him. The bible says

Acts 17:27

that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;

Proverbs 8:17

"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

            He is there… and you know it. And guess what if you seek Him, you WILL find Him. I promise. And you will find out that God is not who you think He is. He is not angry at you, mad at the world, He is kind and He is a real Father. He will give you identity, tell you who you are, build your confidence, provide for you, and tell you your purpose, something we are all looking for in life today.

          God is not far away. He is near. Pursue Him. He said if you take a step towards Him He will take a step towards you. He presence is all around, you just cannot recognize it yet. 

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